
At Ultimat we utilise the latest Canon 12 colour printers, including the new 8300 printer. We only ever use genuine Canon inks ensuring consistency and longevity.

What we DO offer:

  • Free test prints for new customers, or existing customers that wish to use our printing services for the first time.
  • Free downloadable profiles for all of our media types.
  • The very best branded media.

What we DON'T offer:

  • Colour correction.
  • Print only services which do not involve presentation.
  • Re-touching and assessment of files to establish suitability for printing.

We have been printing now for almost 5 years and are very proud of the quality that we achieved so much so that we regularly have customers coming to us from large labs and other competitors because of our printing quality. However, we are not a lab and have no immediate wish to become one and hence we do not offer basic high volume printing of photography. If however you feel this is a service you would like us to offer, please let us know as demand will have a bearing on our future plans!


We decided from the outset that we would use the very best materials in everything we offer and this is echoed in our media choices. Printing profiles are available by clicking on the product in the list below :

Please feel free to enquire if you wish us to use an alternative media, which we are happy to do provided the quantity utilises the roll length.